. . . Blessed with an active avocation as a songwriter/composer and musician for more years than I care to mention (and supported by my amazing wife LInda), photography unexpectedly crept up on me much later in my adult life. Yet the parallels between the two art-forms continue to amaze me even today. Whether composing with light or sound waves, the creative discipline is the same; then sharing the gifts into which we have been born with hope of bringing joy to those who care to view or listen. Captured using both film photography and digital imaging, my hope is that these scenes of wonderment and inspiration, often hiding "right before your eyes" throughout the seasons, will in some way bring you peace and brighten your day.
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GENRES . . .
- Intimate Landscape
- Woodland
- Abstract/Contemplative
- Macro
- Still Life
- Wild Life
- Aerial
- Light Painting
MEDIUM . . .
- Film (4 x5, 120, 35mm, Instax, 6 x12, 6 x 17, 35mm) - Digital (DSLR, Drone, Stiched Panoramic, Digitial 4x5)
- Digital negative conversion contact printing
- Film Enlarging (4x5, 120, 35mm)
- Film Negative Contact printing (4 x5, 120, 35mm, Instax, 6 x12, 6 x 17, 35mm)
FINE ART . . .
- Oil and Colored pencil colored B&W photo prints and prepared inkjet prints
- Inkjet prints (all size up to 13 x 19)
- Outsourced (Canvas wraps, large inkjet prints)
- Ansel Adams
- Eliot Porter
- Christopher Burkett
- Ken Duncan
- 2013 Chelsea Music Festival
- 2018 Dopkins & Company Wall Art
- 2019 Tompkins Bank of Castile Wall Art
- 2021 Our Magnificent Planet, Lensworks Publishing, 2021